• Goodbye to a friend

    First, I thank all of you for the kind words that I received over the past week.  Whether they were said to me in person, text message, email, or left as a voicemail, they were all very much appreciated.  And although I have not responded to all of them, I did listen to and read…

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  • Replacement Tournament Selected

    We will be attending the Magicstour 1 and 1 tournament in Ocean Township, New Jersey in place of our tournament in Hershey.  This tournament is structured a little differently than most and is unique in its format.  Each team will be guaranteed to play SIX games, three on Saturday and three on Sunday.  Each day…

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  • Hershey Tournament Canceled. Replacement Pending.

    We have decided NOT to attend the Harrisburg Summer Slam (Hershey) tournament the weekend of June 25-26.  There were two fundamental reasons for this decision.  First, the tournament director informed me that they were having a difficult time securing facilities given the state of the financial affairs of the schools that were used.  And, second,…

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  • A Close Friend Passes Away

    As some of you already know, I lost a very close friend, Tom Emma, this past Tuesday.  I have been tough to reach the last few days and, therefore, needed to let my Edge family know so that my recent apparent absence could be explained.  I will post something in the future about what he…

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  • Urgent! Schedule Changes For this weekend

    Due to a team dropping out this morning, the schedule that was posted will change.  We are hoping to preserve as many of the originally scheduled games as possible.  This is beyond our control, but we hope to have a new schedule posted by this afternoon. thanks, Jim.

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  • Final Schedules Available for Saturday and Sunday

    March 28, 4pm Update – The following documents represent the most current Team Roster, Saturday, and Sunday schedules.  Sundays location is still subject to change depending on the pending NCAA ruling, but the times will remain intact. Roster of Teams Saturday Schedule Sunday Schedule Another change on the Team Roster for the 14u East and…

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  • Hotel Rooms Available at Cresthill Suites

    I have three extra rooms reserved at the Cresthill Suites.  I understand this Hotel is sold out.  Please let me know ASAP if anyone needs one of these rooms, otherwise I will cancel the reservation.  The rate is $89 plus tax and is for a one bedroom suite.  Please call, text, or email me if…

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  • Hotel Information Weekend Tournament

    April 27, 11am – I have spoken with the tournament director and he has advised that the best option for all of our teams wishing to stay overnight with the exception of the 13u is to stay at the Cresthill Suites.  It is across the street from University of Albany and right off of Route…

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  • Development Program Available for 11u, 12u, and 13u

    Edge Athletics will begin its development program this week.  The development program is intended to provide a practice environment for those athletes wishing to work on improving their skills.  It is open to 11u, 12u, and 13u divisions.  Each member will have the opportunity to attend every scheduled practice (with the exception of special tournament…

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  • That Day in September

    I could not help but post this email that my brother Bill sends out every year.  I was up early this morning watching the ceremony that was conducted in Manhattan…….looking for three names to be mentioned that were my friends.  I watch for them to be read each year on this day.  I know that…

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