• Urgent: Practice Changes For This Week

    After just realizing that my jury duty scheduled for tomorrow is in the evening rather than during the daytime as I thought, I need to make some changes to this weeks practice schedule.  I know its late notice and many of our athletes are taking exams this week, but since we are heading to PA…

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  • Update: Hershey Park Ticket Status – Tickets In

    Hershey Park tickets are in.  I will plan on distributing to those who have paid for them at this evenings meeting.  If you have not yet paid for the tickets, you can bring in a check to the meeting or to practice this week.  Thanks. I have placed both orders as indicated below.  If you…

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  • On Campus Housing Information for Shippensburg

    For our meeting on Tuesday, I ask that all parents think about the following housing and dining opportunity.  We will have to act quickly if we want to satisfy the potential number of requests. We have a tentative arrangement with Shippensburg University for on-campus housing and on-campus dinging.  The rooms are located in Seavers Complex…

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  • Important Information About Nationals

    The East Coast National tournament hosted by the American Youth Basketball Tour, is our last tournament of the season.  This is a major tournament that runs Thursday through Saturday.  There will be a minimum of seven games played over three days and, therefore, requires each team to have a full roster.  If for some reason…

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  • Important Parent Information Meeting Set

    UPDATE – This meeting has been moved to Tuesday, June 15, 7:30pm. There will be a meeting for all Edge parents (17u parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!) at the Poughkeepsie Day School on Thursday, June 17, at 7pm.  There will be two components to this meeting.  First, I  will be giving a mid…

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  • Get an Edge IX Senior Division Schedule

    The 2010 May 21, 22, and 23, Get an Edge IX Senior Division tournament schedule is now complete and ready for download.  Here is the link for the schedule page Tournament Schedule. We did the best we could to accommodate every teams special schedule requests.  Also, Please check back each day to ensure there are…

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  • Hotel Information For Hershey

    We have reserved a block of 60 rooms at the Holiday Inn in Harrisburg PA, for our tournament June 25, 26, and 27.  This is a five game tournament with games played Saturday and Sunday with possibly a game on Friday evening.  However, I will be requesting that none of our teams play Friday evening…

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  • Get an Edge IX Tournament Schedule Information

    The 2010 May 14, 15, and 16, Get an Edge IX Junior Division tournament schedule is now complete and ready for download.  Here is the link for the schedule page Tournament Schedule. We did the best we could to accommodate every teams special schedule requests…..and there were many.  Also, Please check back each day to…

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  • Tale of Two Different Days

    Well going into the weekend the only thing on our minds was to erase the 0-3 showing in Providence last weekend. We needed to have a complete game on the defensive end of the floor if we want to take that next step. Nothing like starting out 0-2 to start the weekend too. We lost…

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  • 15 East Comes Up a Little Bit Short

    At the end of the weekend the 15 East team ended up with a 1-3 record, but played very competitive. We played our first game very close especially down 20-10 at halftime and coming back to cut the lead to as little as 3 and eventually would fall in a defensive battle. I was very…

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