• Edge Athletics and NorthStar Sports to Offer joint program for December

    The Covid-19 pandemic has dealt yet another blow to high school (modified, freshman, Junior varsity, and varsity) winter sports. Earlier in the year, the start date for basketball was pushed back to November 30th in hopes that the spread of the disease would be under control. Unfortunately, New York State announced last week that the…

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  • Shooting Gallery Dates

    The Shooting Gallery offered as part of the Fall Program will take place this Saturday and Sunday at the the times indicated on the website calendar. Because spots are limited to 8 athletes per session, you must register in advance. If the spots fill up in your group, a makeup session will be available. To…

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  • Edge Athletics To Offer Fall 2020 AAU Program

    EDGE ATHLETICS FALL 2020 AAU PROGRAM Covid-19 has wreaked havoc across our nation and has impacted many facets of our everyday lives.  Youth and High School sports have been turned upside down leaving the athletes in our communities with few options to work on their basketball skills and to stay in game shape condition. With…

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  • Introducing Edge Athletics Virtual Training

    Free Virtual Training to be offered by Edge Athletics The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down youth sports across the country leaving all of our athletes no place to go and nothing to do. We must do the things that are necessary for our country to get through this and get back to some kind of…

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  • 3/25 Update

    March 25 – 10:00am: We are now into our second week where practices for all Edge Athletics teams are suspended. Although I am still hopeful that we will be able to resume our program early enough to salvage our spring season, none of us have insight as to when that might be. I am working…

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  • Summary Of Tonights Meeting

    Thank you all for coming to the meeting regarding the plan for our program in the next few weeks and beyond. The meetings were very thoughtful and informative with everyone sharing ideas, experiences, facts, and opinions. At this point, we will continue to operate and offer practice time for those athletes that wish to attend….

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  • COVID-19 Impact To Edge Athletics

    The COVID-19 virus continues to wreak havoc to our community. I am trying to put together a way that the impact to Edge Athletics is minimized. As such, I am asking that the parents in our program attend a meeting so that I can lay out both a short term and long term solution that…

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  • Spring 2020 AAU Information and Tryout Schedule Set

    There will be an Edge Athletics information meeting for all those interested in trying out for boys basketball age groups 11u through 17u on Sunday, February 23rd, at 11am.  The meeting will be held at the Poughkeepsie Day School Gymnasium located on Boardman road in the Town of Poughkeepsie (the gym is the last building…

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  • St. Martins Brooklyn Nets Event

    Chris Fields, the St. Martins CYO Director, is coordinating a trip to Brooklyn to see the Nets play. See information Below… St Martins CYO is sponsoring a trip to Brooklyn to see the Nets play at the Barclay Center. Chris Fields is now accepting ticket orders for the 12th Annual Brooklyn Nets event on Sunday,…

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  • Now is NOT the Time to Put the Ball Down.

    Our AAU season has come to a close after a very successful weekend for all of our teams that played at Vassar College and for the 13u and 15u teams that competed in Boston at the Zero Gravity National Finals. At Vassar last weekend, three teams (11u, 13u, and 15u) advanced to the finals with…

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