Spring 2022 AAU Tryout Schedule and Information
— January 31, 2022February 28, 2022 Update: The second day of tryouts is now scheduled for Saturday, March 5. The times are as follows:
11u and 12u – 09:00am – 10:30am
13u and 14u – 10:30am – 12:00pm
15u and 16u – 12:00pm – 01:30pm
17u – TBD
The 17u team will be delayed due to section 1 and section 9 boys high school basketball teams still playing in the post season.
Due to the large turnout this past Sunday, it is possible that a third tryout may be added.
February 23, 2022 Update: Due to the Our Lady of Lourdes boys basketball team advancing in post season play and a subsequent game scheduled for 1pm on Saturday, Saturday tryouts for all ages will be rescheduled for another day during the week and next weekend. Sundays tryouts will take place as scheduled.
February 8, 2022 Update: There will be an information meeting for all parents and guardians of athletes that will be trying out for the Spring 2022 AAU season. The meeting will take place at 7pm on Sunday, February 20, in the Poughkeepsie Day School gym. There will be important information presented and will also give you an opportunity to ask questions. All are highly encouraged to attend.
Edge Athletics is excited to announce that we are accepting preregistration applications for our Spring 2022 AAU basketball season. Although the high school season will have conclude by the time tryouts begin, many high school teams may still be in post season play. We will, therefore, make accommodations for all those varsity level athletes that are still playing. Please see the Q & A’s below for details.
Q. When will tryouts begin?
A. The tryout days are Saturday, February 26th and Sunday February 27th. Times for each division are as follows:
11u and 12u – 10:00am – 11:30am
13u and 14u – 11:30am – 01:00pm
15u and 16u – 01:00pm – 02:30pm
17u – 02:30pm – 04:00pm
Q. There are two tryout days. Do I need to make both of them?
A. In order for our coaching staff to complete a thorough and accurate evaluation, it is strongly encouraged to make both tryout days. We understand that there are some unavoidable conflicts and situations and missing one of the days will NOT prevent you from being considered, but we will need to know in advance if you cannot make both days.
Q. Do I have to preregister prior to tryouts?
A. Yes. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, protocols, and requirements, each athlete that plans on trying out MUST preregister in advance of tryouts.
Q. How do I preregister?
A. If you already have an account with us, you simply need to login to your account and select “Spring 2021 AAU.” If you do not have an account with us, please CLICK HERE to create an account.
Q. Where will practices and tryouts be held?
A. All tryouts and practices will be held at the Poughkeepsie Day School, located on Boardman Road in the Town of Poughkeepsie.
Q. Do I need an AAU Membership?
A. Yes. All those trying out must have an active AAU membership and provide us with their membership number in advance of tryouts. To secure an AAU Membership, CLICK HERE
Q. What are the age divisions and how many teams will there be?
A. We will field a team for each age group 11u, 12u, 13u, 14u, 15u, 16u, and 17u. It is possible that we could have more than one team for any particular division.
Q. How long will the program run and how many practices will the teams have?
A. The program will run until the first week of June. Expect to practice at least two times each week.
Q. Do you have coaches already lined up for the spring season?
A. Edge Athletics features some of the finest and most experienced coaches in the area. Although we do not assign coaches until tryouts are held, be assured that only the most qualified High School and College coaches in the area will lead our teams. CLICK HERE to meet our coaching staff
Q. Will Edge teams be playing in tournaments?
A. Yes, we plan on playing in tournaments as long as the guidance of our local government and health officials allows us to do so. However, due to the uncertainty of the tournament schedule and available dates, the tournament schedule will not be available until after the high school season concludes.
Q. Will Edge teams travel out of state?
A. Edge teams will typically travel out of state to compete in various tournaments. As long as the guidelines allow us to travel out of state, we will compete in tournaments that we have typically competed in past years.
Q. How many tournaments can we expect to play in?
A. Each team will participate in six tournaments during the spring season. It is possible that some teams may play in additional tournaments, but the base tuition fee will include six.
Q. Will each team be responsible for finding tournaments to compete in on their own?
A. No. The Edge Athletics Staff will coordinate all tournament play. However, unlike in past years where we aimed to send our entire program to each tournament, restrictions that tournament directors may have with regards to the number of teams allowed in a facility could prevent our entire program from competing in the same tournament on the same weekend.
Q. What happens if tournaments get shut down due to Covid-19 restrictions?
A. Although we believe that all restrictions on tournament play have been eliminated, there is still a chance that competing in tournaments could get shut down. In that event, we will use our weekends to play in house or invite other local programs to compete against in a non tournament environment.
Q. Are there enough programs locally for Edge to compete against without going to tournaments?
A. Yes. There are several very good programs that operate in our own community that we can compete against that include but not limited to Elite Basketball of the Hudson Valley, Playmaker Academy, and the Hudson Valley Knights.
Q. There are some programs that are promising college exposure that will lead to college scholarships. Will participating in the Edge Program guarantee an eventual college scholarship?
A. NO. Although most other AAU programs provide great opportunities for athletes to practice and compete, there are some that make lofty claims and overpromise things that they simply cannot deliver on. I suggest you read the article on our website that summarizes the TYPES of AAU programs that exist before choosing Edge Athletics or any other program. Click Here for the article . If you make one of our teams, the only general promise we will make to you is that we will do our best to provide you with and exceptional experience. We have been around for more than 25 years, and, yes, hundreds of our athletes have gone on to play at the college level. But that is a reflection of the type of athlete we attract into our program. It does not mean that just simply playing for us will guarantee that you can and will play basketball in college.
Q. If Edge Athletics will not guarantee that I will play in college, do you promote your athletes to college coaches?
A. My staff and I are deeply networked into the college recruiting process. Our programs this past summer, fall, and winter have featured the top basketball players in the area and we have provided them the opportunity to showcase their skills directly in front of D1, D2, and D3 coaches from all over the country. Most of our older athletes are, in fact, currently being recruited by many colleges. If you would like to discuss the logistics of how we get our athletes the needed exposure to college coaches, feel free to contact me directly.
Q. How much is the tuition?
A. The tuition for the spring program is $595.
Q. Is there a uniform fee?
A. Yes, the cost of the uniform is $75. But if you were part of our program in 2021, you can use your old uniform if it still fits.
Q. Is there a tryout fee?
A. Yes, there is a $25 tryout fee that is due on the day of tryouts.
Q. If I have additional questions, can I contact you?
A. Absolutely. Feel free to contact me either by email, text, or phone. By email – info@edgeathletics.com
Text – 845-264-5078
Phone – 845-264-5078