St. Martins Brooklyn Nets Event
— October 11, 2019Chris Fields, the St. Martins CYO Director, is coordinating a trip to Brooklyn to see the Nets play. See information Below…
St Martins CYO is sponsoring a trip to Brooklyn to see the Nets play at the Barclay Center. Chris Fields is now accepting ticket orders for the 12th Annual Brooklyn Nets event on Sunday, December 15 at the Barclays Center when the Nets vs. the Philadelphia 76’ers! So many memories have been made over the years at this event organized by St. Martin de Porres CYO, which 3,413 people have attended since 2008! If you haven’t gone before, now is the time!
This event includes 2-hours of Barclays Center court time, High-Five lines, Anthem Buddies and Captain’s Huddle. If you only go to one NBA game a year, why not go to this game with all the various activities!
Because this is a group event, the pricing is substantially discounted from face value. With KD and Kyrie now on the Nets, the atmosphere will be tremendous at the Barclays Center!
This event is open to anyone, but the FREE, round-trip bus from St. Martin to the Barclays Center is only for St. Martin CYO participants and their families. If anyone else would like to take the bus, then the fee is $25 per person. Please note that the bus leaves early so that families can go Christmas shopping in NYC or attend mass before the event.
Below is the pricing and agenda for the day. If you would like to purchase tickets, then please email Chris Fields at fieldsc@optonline.net confirming how many tickets at what price / in what section after which please mail a check made out to Chris Fields to 79 Alda Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Once Chris knows who is going, he will keep you posted via email leading up to the event.
Below are lists of all of our past events with links to their Facebook photo albums. Please take a few minutes to browse through these, since if you plan to go to a NBA game, then please consider going with the CYO group given all the bells and whistles this event has. Many CYO parishes and AAU organizations have joined over the years. All you need to do is contact Chris to join this year!
7:00 AM – bus departs from St. Martin in Poughkeepsie
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM – Christmas shopping or mass at Saint Augustine Roman Catholic Church, 116 6th Ave., Brooklyn
12:30 PM – meet at the Barclays Center at the Atlantic Avenue Emblem Health entrance
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM – kids get to use the Barclays Center court for shooting lines and 5-on-5 games in each half court
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM – enjoy Brooklyn….several us in the past have gone to BWW in the Atlantic Terminal, but there are many nice restaurants on 5th Avenue down the street from the team store, too.
4:30 PM – earliest that you could re-enter the arena
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM – meeting point TBD for those selected for High Five Lines, Anthem Buddies and Captain’s Huddle.
6:00 PM – game
8:30 PM – bus departs from Barclays Center
$175 – Section 117, rows 6-7
$55 – Section 211, rows 11-16
Bellow are some additional seat locations and prices in case some of you want even lower level seats. Please let Chris know ASAP if you want these, since the Nets aren’t holding these seats for Chris like the other sections.
$195 – Section 222, row 1
$258 – Sections 17-19
$400 – Section 23 and includes free food and beverages at concession stands all game
Prior Events
2008 vs. Denver Nuggets: 649 people…..224 people also attended the San Antonio Spurs game on free tickets from the Nets!
2009 vs. Memphis Grizzlies: 335 people…..257 people also attended 2 games for the price of 1 to see the Celtics and Lakers.
2010 vs. Miami Heat: 262 people
2011 vs. Miami Heat: 328 people
2012 vs. LA Clippers: 200 people
2013 vs. Detroit Pistons: 259 people
2014 vs. Chicago Bulls: 318 people
2015 vs. LA Clippers: 180 people…..126 people also took advantage of court-time after the GSW game
2016 vs. Portland Trail Blazers: 100 people…..plus 29 people attended the Golden State Warriors game
2017 vs. Golden State Warriors: 106 people……plus 13 people attended the Cleveland Cavaliers game
2018 vs. Philadelphia 76’ers: 40 people