Team Rosters and Next Steps Now Available
— March 15, 2021The Team Rosters for the spring 2021 AAU season are now complete for all divisions and are posted on our website under the AAU tab. Click Here to view the Team Rosters
In all, over 120 athletes tried out for seven age divisions. Although the large turnout has made the selection process very difficult for us, we have tried to accommodate as many athletes as possible. As a result, we have expanded the development program to include 11u-16u divisions.
If you have been selected for one of these teams, you will need to get measured for a uniform, pay for your uniform, and fulfill your tuition obligation. These requirements must be completed this Wednesday, March 17, at the Poughkeepsie Day School, between the hours of 5:30pm and 8pm. Tuition and uniform fees can be paid by cash or check (made out to Edge Athletics Club).
Please note that we tried to accommodate as many athletes that wished to play. However, in order to accomplish this, some athletes, due to their age and skill set, were placed on a team with athletes of a different grade.
If you did not make one of our teams and wish to participate in our development program (Eligible athletes are listed in the Development Section under Rosters), please email (info@edgeathletics.com) or text me (845-264-5078) to discuss the program details.
Practices for all teams will begin the week of March 22. Days and times will be posted on our website by Wednesday.
Our Tentative tournament schedule is also now posted. Please see the AAU tab or Click Here. Due to the uncertainty of the impact of Covid-19 this schedule is tentative and subject to change. However, we are confident that the weekends that are posted will NOT change.